Covalensedigital at MWC Barcelona 2023 – A grand success

Unveiling Csmart's Excellence on the Global Stage, Captivating the Telco Fraternity

Barcelona, Spain, 04 April 2023

Barcelona, Spain - We attended the biggest telecommunications event in the world – Mobile World Congress, held in Barcelona, Spain. The event team presented our world-class digital BSS platform – Csmart to the global telco fraternity and we are proud to share that we received overwhelming support and an amazing response to our Telco SaaS product.

At the MWC booth in Barcelona between February 27 – March 2, 2023, the event-team had numerous booth visitors, who were company representatives of various telecoms organizations coming from diverse geographies across the world.

While managing the booth-visitor footfall, our Barcelona event-team members managed to quickly take out a few minutes to share their views and experiences about how Covalensedigital’s participation at MWC was a successful one. They shared their expertise on where the global telecoms industry is heading, digital disruption, consumer needs & expectations, and the new 5G-IoT era.

Ranging from how Csmart can enable telecoms to go digital to providing customer value management, they talked about the 5G challenges telcos face today, helping telcos innovate and disrupt, add revenue streams and many such interesting aspects of the world of telecommunications. The video team has captured those insightful moments of our leaders speaking in real-time during the MWC event.

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